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Dr. Jon Davenport

Adjunct Scientist

Areas of Expertise: Herpetology, Population and Community Ecology

Jon is originally from Sevierville, TN, gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (spring lizard capital of the world) and home of Dolly Parton.  Growing up around such beautiful scenery and encouraging parents, it’s no wonder that he turned out to be an aquatic ecologist.

Jon began collaborating with TNACI in April 2014. He is an assistant professor of Biology at Appalachian State University.  His current research focuses on investigating how individual variation in dispersal (i.e., differential dispersal) affects population demography and the strength of species interactions.  This work is done primarily in aquatic communities of North America with endangered amphibians and reptiles.

Favorite saying: “BBQ is a noun, not a verb”

Least favorite cd: Thanks to my children, the Frozen 2 soundtrack

Ph.D., 2011, East Carolina University (Biology)
M.S., 2005, Austin Peay State University (Biology)
B.A., 2003, Maryville College (Biology)

Representative Publications:

Garig, D.F., J.R. Ennen, and J.M. Davenport. 2020. The legacy effects of a transient apex predator in a freshwater food web. Copeia 108:132-139. [link]

Hoffacker, M.L., K.K. Cecala, J.R. Ennen, S. Mitchell, and J.M. Davenport. 2018. Interspecific interactions are conditional on temperature in an Appalachian stream salamander community. Oecologia 188:623-631. [link]

Liles, LA, K.K. Cecala, J.R. Ennen, and J.M. Davenport. 2017. Elevated temperatures alter body condition and competitive outcomes in Appalachian salamanders. Animal Conservation 20:502-510. [link]

Davenport, J.M., B.R. Hossack, and LA. Fishback. 2017. Additive impacts of experimental climate change increase risk to an ectotherm at the Arctic’s edge. Global Change Biology 23:2262-2271. [link]

Ennen, J.R., J.M. Davenport, and K.F. Alford. 2016. Evidence for asymmetric competition among headwater stream vertebrates. Hydrobiologia 772:207-213. [link]


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