Known as the “Alpine Penguin” for their ability to scale and nest on cliff faces, the macaroni penguin is the world’s most abundant penguin with an estimated nine million breeding pairs! Penguin pairs build intricate nests of rocks and pebbles together. After breeding, females lay two eggs, the first of which is smaller and is not incubated. The pair then takes turns incubating the egg. The macaroni penguin is named for the yellow crest of feathers on their heads which resembled the feathers worn on men's hats in the 18th century, though they won’t grow those fully until their first molt, happening in the Fall. While they are known to live to be about fifteen years old in the wild, thanks to protection from predators and veterinary care, penguins in captivity can live to be about thirty.

Penguins Rock is presented by Little Debbie.